YEAR 2017

Fabrication of supporting steel structure of columns, beams, stiffeners and wall constructions for a project „SYRA 4 PROJECT – PROCESS UNIT“
Weight: 185 tonnes

Delivery and assemvly of bridge steel structure for a project „VZT nové žíhací linky – ALUKOLA 1“ on the premises of the company Maxion Wheels Czech s.r.o. incl. surface treatment.
Weight: 24 tonnes

Delivery and assembly of steel structure for a project „Přístavba Bělírny C215“ on the premises of the company Mondi Štětí a.s. incl. surface treatment. 
Weight: 38 tonnes

Fabrication of steel structure of supporting columns for a noise barrier wall..
Weight: 276 tonnes

Fabrication of steel structure for a project „Novostavba haly LARA SERVIS – Nitra“ incl. surface treatment. 
Weight: 103 tonnes

Production of 10 pcs of crane runways, foot-bridges and handrails for a project „KW Staning – Erneuerung Kranbahn“ incl. surface treatment. 
Weight: 122 tonnes

Assembly of supporting steel structure for a project „Obchodní centrum Na Kopci – Havířov“. 
Weight: 115 tonnes

Delivery of steel structure of „Single purpose aids“ for a project „HOFOR BIO 4 – CYMIC BOILER“ incl. surface treatment.
Weight: 87 tonnes

Fabrication of bridge steel structure for a project „Přivaděč DN 500 Záhumenice – Bělá – rekonstrukce přívodního řadu, 1. etapa – havarijní řešení přechodu Odry“ incl. surface treatment.
Weight: 53 tonnes

Delivery and assembly of steel structure for a project „EcoFlex Etapa I.I.III – SO02.2 – Odparky“ on the premises of the company Mondi Štětí a.s. incl. surface treatment.
Weight: 95 tonnes

Production of supporting steel structure for a project „Penthaus – Deuna“.
Weight: 97 tonnes

Delivery and assemby of  pylon steel structure for a project „BIGBOARD HYUNDAI“ incl. surface treatment.
Weight: 33 tonnes